As this is combat skill the ability to RuneScape gold increase your prayer frequency could increase the difficulty level you face. Prayer is commonly used when fighting other players and bosses because recharging prayer points involves taking expensive potion or praying in altars. With higher levels of prayer, you get powerful buffs like Protect from Magic / Melee / Ranged that will grant you protection against attacks.
As Prayer skill is different than others it can't be trained by gathering or creating numerous items. To improve their Prayer skill, players need to bury corpses of deceased creatures. They must also sacrifice them at a designated Altar and Ectofuntus or gain levels through killing reanimated monsters, which can be summoned with the help of Arceuus spellbook.
This reward is from hard Morytania diary which will simply deposit bones on your behalf after killing monsters. It will give you 50% of the experience a player gain by burying a bone. However, it is possible to upgrade through the completion of elite Morytania tasks to rs2007 gold earn 100 100%. Bonecrusher makes use of charges that are refillable through Ectotokens in the amount of 1 token per charge. It is a single cost for every bone burial. This is a useful aspect to consider when leveling your battles as it will enhance your prayer effectiveness.