communicating to them the value of the importance of your online presence as more and more people will seek services online as we never know if this type of crisis will hit us again. Vanja: Alright, that's fair enough. So I get a lot of questions from people who say you know marketing is going to take a massive spending hit as a whole, you know, spending a hundred K on Google ads and 10K on sites like Clutch and Manifest and all the world will have to take a back seat to certain priorities and that's what we consistently get from a number of agencies.
How important is price over quality when choosing Color Correction Service where to advertise, especially today. And also how do you choose where to allocate your advertising budget today versus before the crisis. Branko: I think when you plan your marketing strategy, whether for yourself or for your client, you really need to have good KPIs to measure the amount of money spent versus the amount of money you get from potential leads and future customers.